Friday, February 23, 2007

1 John 3: practice what you preach


is John writing this letter for my church? is he writing it for me? amazing how the scriptures come alive and speak to each of us.

John again is writing words that reinforce this message: Practice what you preach.
-i wonder: is that the single greatest problem in the church... among believers? [not practicing what we preach?]

the Litmus test: [1 John 3:10]
if you don't do right - you are not a child of God.
if you don't love your brother - you are not a child of God.

John seems to eliminate any GRAY area. Love + your with God / Don't Love + your with the Devil.

i haven't often thought about that - yeah - i know i'm supposed to love (and not just because Jesus commands it - but because i want to be his disciple so much that i can't help but emulate him). but these words from John are harsh - vs 14+15: "Anyone who does not love remains in death. Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer..."

in today's world - equating not loving to being a murderer? are you kidding me? i'd like to see that one played out on Law & Order.

but i love the harshness... i love the lack of gray. there is too much gray amongst the body of so-called believers. our sinful nature has a keen way of creeping in and distorting God's truth - to fit our gain.

THIS IS HOW WE KNOW WHAT LOVE IS: (John is spelling it out for those of us who are slow learners) JESUS CHRIST LAID DOWN HIS LIFE FOR US. [vs. 16]
it's good to see that Jesus practiced what He preached. "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." [John 15:13]

is it also just a coincidence that 1 John3:16 and John 3:16 are similar? Christ's love + God's love are one in the same: All For Love.

THIS IS HOW WE KNOW WHAT LOVE IS... {kind of puts to rest Foreigner's question: I Want To Know What Love Is...}


today's journey of love is a reminder that love is more than words. i can say 'i love you' but if my actions don't back it up - then i am a liar... a murderer, even.

one of my biggest pet peeves is when 'Christians toot their own horn - giving word to a specific mission - but leave action in the closet of their heart. i was at a conference last year when i heard a few people talking about the importance of feeding the poor. they were making a resolution that as a denomination we would 'support the poor.' everybody stood up in clapped. they sat down and i began to wonder... 'o.k... help the poor... support the poor. got it... now how are we going to do that?' there was no mention of that. on paper it will forever read that at this conference that a resolution was passed to 'support the poor.' only God knows what action was actually placed behind said motion. a 'friend' of mine called it a 'feel-good resolution'. it makes us feel good. but this is not the message of John or Jesus. i thought - if we really want to support the poor - then let us find a way for every church to open its doors to feed those who are hungry - clothe those who need garments - provide shelter to those who need a roof, etc. now i know that many churches and believers do such things - yet the righteous ones do it in secret - and seek no gain for such actions. that is love.

i, myself have a lot to learn about love. i have a lot to learn about sacrifice. i pray that during this journey of lent that my heart will be opened to the mission of Christ in new ways - and that opportunities to love others will abound.

to God be the glory.

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