Sunday, February 25, 2007

First Sunday of Lent

While not technically counted in the traditional 40 days of Lent, (it was considered inappropriate to fast on a Sunday, the day commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus), today is in fact the first Sunday of this Lenten season.

Today's hobo symbol is that of a cat (had to add that in there in case my stellar drawing skills weren't up to par ;) ). So, what does a cat have to do with Lent? For hobos, the symbol of a cat on a door is a sign to them, telling them that a kind-hearted woman lives there, and in essence will be kind to a hungry hobo.

Me, being a woman myself, started to think of whether or not a hobo would want to place this sign upon my door if he were to visit. Would he look at me and see love, or would he look at me and see contempt? Unfortunately, in today's time, I think I have become gun-shy at helping others. I mean, I will do most anything for those people that I have a relationship with, but when it comes to a stranger on the street, I more or less retreat.

Jesus tells us not to be this way, in fact, he says numerous times to "Love your neighbor as yourself" and "whatever you have done for the least of these, you have done for me". How is it then that I have allowed my heart to grow so wary of reaching out? The mere ability to Love is given to me from Him and here I sit afraid to share it.

I pray that during this Lenten season, my heart will be changed and the desire to reach out to others will once again burn within me. I want the image of the hobo cat imprinted not only on my door, but also on every action that I do. I want people to think of my as being a kind woman and one that shares love with everyone that I know.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

"I pray that during this Lenten season, my heart will be changed and the desire to reach out to others will once again burn within me. I want the image of the hobo cat imprinted not only on my door, but also on every action that I do. I want people to think of my as being a kind woman and one that shares love with everyone that I know."
Cool Jen : ) me too.