Wednesday, February 28, 2007

3 John: a grassroots journey to a firm foundation

thanks Lilly for the SHOUT OUT!


the book of 3 John [NIV] [MESSAGE]

1-4The Pastor, to my good friend Gaius: How truly I love you! We're the best of friends, and I pray for good fortune in everything you do, and for your good health—that your everyday affairs prosper, as well as your soul! I was most happy when some friends arrived and brought the news that you persist in following the way of Truth. Nothing could make me happier than getting reports that my children continue diligently in the way of Truth!

It's neat to see how excited John is about the steadfast faith of his friend, Gaius. it made me think back to high school youth group. how many of my peers, my friends are still faithful to Jesus - striving to be the disciple God wants them to be? i don't really know the answer - but i would guess there aren't as many as i would hope. i wonder why that is? did the church not equip them? did something happen that made them 'walk away'? was their faith their own or their parents?

as a youth pastor - i often think about those who have come through our youth program. how many of them could i write the same letter to that John has written to Gaius.

verse 5: Dear friend, when you extend hospitality to Christian brothers and sisters, even when they are strangers, you make the faith visible.

i love that statement. during this lenten season - i wonder if my faith is visible... i wonder more about what my faith will be like after lent. i don't want this to be a mountain-top (with a valley to follow). i want it to be a period of time in which ground work is being laid for a firmer foundation of faith in Jesus.

when you read much of the letters of John, Paul & Peter you see the foundation of the early church. The Way, as it was often called, was very grassroots. i suppose that was the only way, but it was grassroots none the less.

we see the messages of Christ shared via:
-word of mouth
-fellowship over a meal
-worship in one's home
-giving to those in need

this grassroots journey was fruitful in spreading truth + love. sometimes i'm a little envious or at least curious. it must have been a beautiful thing.

i wonder what kind of grassroots thing(s) i can do to spread the Word? what about you?

3rd John ends with John mentioning a man by the name of Diotrephes, a man who "loves being in charge...he loves being first" apparently he was spreading rumors (rumors + gossip in church?) and he neglected hospitality to fellow believers/missionaries. Now John doesn't call him an anti-Christ (a name often used by John in prior 1 & 2 John) - but he recognizes that a problem is present.

i think sometimes leaders + members of churches unintentionally (or sometimes intentionally) let their own plans creep into the forefront, rather than the plan God has for us. (myself included)

i was talking about this to a friend recently and these words came to me...

it’s about digging deep and finding the mission of Christ instilled inside of us. it’s about letting the mission breath, rather than subconsciously choking it in the supposed name of Christ in order to get our own agendas (not truly God’s agenda) birthed into our false reality.

i am ready for the mission of Christ to breathe within me... so that i may in return breathe it out to the world. i've been on a journey for some time now. i am in the process of putting vision to paper... the vision is there inside my mind, body, heart & soul... i am processing it all. maybe i've just realized that in order for that to happen i need to open up & breathe deep Christ.

it has to be his vision... not mine. i want to be faithful to Him.

i feel alive...

1 comment:

Tamara said...

" i need to open up & breathe deep Christ.

it has to be his vision... not mine. i want to be faithful to Him."
I've been working on this lately too