Monday, March 12, 2007

2 John: Love

Robert Indiana created the 'Love' logo - originally for a Christmas card for the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 1964. The logo was later used on a stamp and then created into a statue (now featured in many major cities around the world).

Mr. Indiana received only $1,000 for the design. He had failed to copyright the logo, and as a result did not profit as it appeared on countless coffee cups, T-Shirts and other paraphernalia.

"The logo did not endear Mr. Indiana to the art establishment, and his star faded in inverse proportion to the success of 'Love'" [NY Times]


The book of 2nd John serves as yet another gentle reminder from John that Love is the most important thing in this world. The word 'LOVE' appears in the NIV text 697 times (32 times in 1,2 & 3 John). Examining the text alone suggests that it is important - but honestly, who needs that to know that 'love' is important? Love is instilled within us. We know that - we just don't always show that. So John reminds us in very gentle ways. I suppose a non-gentle way of reminding us that LOVE is important would defeat the purpose.

Love one another.


There are a few interesting things about Robert Indiana's 'Love' design/sculpture.
  • The first is that Indiana did not profit from his love logo. In relation to our relationships, 'loving' someone in order to profit something isn't truly love. That kind of love would have selfish ambition or motive behind it. Selfishness + love can not coexist. Selfishness is not a by product of love or vice-versa.

Surely we do profit from loving and from being loved - but not if our motives are anything less than genuine. You can't fake love.

  • The second is that Indiana's 'star' or popularity faded quicker than his 'Love' icon.
    Isn't that the way it should be? Shouldn't our love outshine us? Shouldn't our love outlast us? The best thing about our love is that it can be contagious. Our actions can + will last longer than our words. Our love of God and our love of others can have far reaching effects on the world around us.
We don't always see the end result of our love. Praise God for that. may that keep us humble. May that keep us genuine + real.


Robert Indiana gave us an icon. God gave us a lifestyle.

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