Thursday, March 15, 2007

What Keeps you from growing

Now that we have looked at the need to prepare our soil for growth, we must look to see what else could be holding us back. In a garden, it is soo easy to quickly get over-run with weeds- no matter how diligent you try to be. It sometimes seems as though they appear overnight (in fact- this is the reason we don't even attempt a garden here at our house ;) )
In the soil of your life, are there weeds over-running your growth? Are the weeds reaching higher and choking out the sunlight and nourishment from reaching deeper?
Take a look at your life this week and see what needs weeded out. Are you on the computer too much? Are you a gossip? How about the tv; does it take time away that could be spent deepening your faith?
We all have our weeds, but it is up to us to recognize them and then clear them out. Take the time to get some roundup and clear some new areas for growth.

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