Tuesday, March 27, 2007

John 8:11

"Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin."

Where are you dirty? Where in your life are you committing "Adultery of the Spirit" What other God's are you serving? Lent is about conversion and the one of the meanings of conversion is "the act of change" and so this day is symblized by a "U-turn" symbol.

I realize in my life there are many other Gods... as evident by my lack of posting on this blog. I allow life to get ahold of me and take me away from Him. I know I need to make more time for Him and spend more time on other things and I am really working at it. Some days it goes well and others... well... not so well. I will continue this process and keep pushing forward as we march closer and closer to Easter day.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

"I allow life to get ahold of me and take me away from Him. I know I need to make more time for Him and spend more time on other things and I am really working at it."
Me too. School sometimes really takes its toll though. It's hard for me to find that happy medium between putting God first and keeping up with decent grades in school. It seems like when I have something really great going with God, teachers decide to bombard uswith mountains of papers and tests!